Southside FFA
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Hi, my name is Marcela Graham, and I am Southside's 2020-2021 Sentinel!

- My responsibilities as your Sentinel are to:

 - make our members feel welcomed always in our FFA chapter

- assist our president in maintaining order at meetings

- keep meeting room and all equipment in order and organized

- make the room as comfortable as possible

- welcome all our guests and members

My hobbies:

- Guitar player and singer for Southside's High School varsity mariachi group

- Volunteering at my local animal shelter

- Horse riding

- baking

- spending time with any animal I can!

My FFA accomplishments:

- In my Junior year of high school, I showed my first animal ever. I showed a goat and his name was Harvey and I was so excited to show along with my friends! From the hot evenings to the cold mornings. That show season taught me what it really meant to serve a community, and it taught me how to be kind to one another no matter the outcome in the show ring. It also allowed me to really grow as an individual and give others a helping hand at the barns and even at stock shows. Being in FFA is like having another family outside of your home. You can always count on one another to lend a helping hand. And although I may not have won any ribbons or prizes. The real prize to me was being able to have an experience like that and was able to grow a tremendous amount and was able to find my old roots and reconnect with my old self.


 Website designed by: Wieghat Graphics